
Welcome, I'm Emanuele Nepa. Nice to meet you!😄

I am a video game developer and I am based in Italy right now, working on Unity and C#.

Since I was a child, I have always had an interest in technology, which has spread exponentially with computers and video games.
Due to this, I decided to embrace my little dream and pursuing the journey to understand the technical parts of a videogame.

I am excessively self-critical, but it helps me to achieve my goals and being able to face new challenges.
I aspire to specialize myself in AI programming for the video games industry.

Here, you can find my own projects and the projects I had the chance to collaborate on. At the bottom of the page,
you can find my links. Feel free to send me a message, I'll get back to you as quick as I can!


Rumbling 20's Remake

Rumbling 20's Remake

Nightmare Before Eco Congress

Nightmare Before Eco Congress

Dirty City

Dirty City

SDL 1945

SDL 1945

Rumbling 20's

Rumbling 20's

Academy Projects

Academy Projects